Many in our community brace themselves in anticipation of discrimination. For some, this is a daily reality. Our research explored how pervasive this stress is throughout our daily life. Our research has been influenced by the Minority Stress Model, which indicates that chronic stress adversely affects health.
We are all fighting it together in our own ways.
Finding our Strength, 2016
Understanding the context is important: how much we worry about discrimination, as well as what spheres within our lives we feel this worry. Our research examined how we cope, exploring both passive, avoidant tactics as well as active responses to stress.
Our work aims to understand where correlations link between these factors and health indicators such as depression, anxiety and self-reported health.
We focused our research to understand the quality of social support structures (friend, family, special person), and assessed feelings of isolation. We examined levels of self-compassion, and also looked at mind-body compassion. We explored how much past trauma impacts daily life.
Minority Stress Framework
The Meyer minority stress model ... is based on factors associated with various stressors and coping mechanisms and their impact on mental health outcomes... The model describes stress processes, including experiences of prejudice, expectations of rejection, hiding, concealing, internalized [stigma/discrimination] and ameliorative coping processes (Meyer, 2003).
The Minority Stress Perspective, Michael P. Dentato, PhD, MSW
We sought to get to the heart of our day-to-day experience.
Check out our report.
Coping with Discrimination: Actions Taken by the Trans/Gender Non-conforming Community
This survey report is intended to create awareness about trans lives, generate new perspectives that can translate into greater individual and community resiliency, and stimulate public conversations that foster an environment that is affirming of the trans community. Download the full report, below.
We’re spreading our knowledge to better our community.
Our goal is to spread awareness on what hurts the community, and what helps. Intentional discussions with medical care providers, allies and workplaces about creating affirming environments for our community will greatly help both individuals and our community as a whole. Check out where our research has been presented.

Hometown, Opening Exhibit & Galleries
Affirmations, Ferndale, MI
Interactive learning experience, meets photogaphy/community artwork to display our research findings at the Pittmann-Puckett Gallery. With a kick-off event of live music, community performances and spoken word, this gallery was incorporated into Transcend’s Continued Education courses for pharmacists, guided tours for community stakeholders, healthcare providers and ally workshops. The initial gallery was from November 2017 to January 2018. Affirmations requested our exhibit again as a special edition for Pride, which was showcased from May 2018 through the end of July 2018.
As a traveling exhibit, it has been requested and showcased several times.
Community-Led Research Panel & Pop-Up Exhibit (2019)
Institute for Social Science, University of Michigan
Trans Day of Rememberance Pop-Up Exhibit (2018)
Oakland University
Request a special travel gallery or pop-up event. We are committed to leveraging interactive story-telling, data, and creative visuals to deepen awareness of our community’s experiences.

Perceptions of Healthcare Providers by the T/GNC Population
June, 2017
Lansing, MI

Coping Skills & Quality of Support: Correlations with Health
February, 2017
UCLA, Los Angeles, CA

Providers Relationship Between Gender-Affirming Hormone Therapy & Depressive Symptoms
December 2016
Las Vegas, Neveda